• Orally understand unpublished pieces from the sung repertoire of the oral tradition in French language in their monophonic and polyphonic forms.
  • Emancipation of the ear, specific listening work, openness to the so-called «non-tempered» scales.
  • Understanding the rhythmic constructions and modal structure of the repertoire, a subtle trace of the evolution of the music.
  • Harmonize: provision of a creative and dynamic « toolbox » for a harmonization that respects the particular characteristics of this musical form.
  • Discover the basic musical principles of this oral repertoire, open up to an understanding of the other musical cultures of the world.


Based on what is one of the greatest characteristics of traditional music, the modality, this formation aims to transmit a monophonic sung repertoire from oral traditions in French language, in a monophonic and polyphonic form, respecting each voice, its unique grain, ours and that of others, imprint on each one.

Monodies, poly-monodies, polyphonies are on the program drawing from the old and recent collections.

Beyond the repertoire, specific musical, ornamental, vocal characteristics are addressed, questions relating to the harmonization of songs of the popular tradition, an approach to the history of this musical field. A particular time is devoted to questions of vocal and respiratory technique, timbre and voice pose.

  • Listening to field documents (collections),
  • Body preparation by means of some round dances.

The workshop is entirely oral and does not require any prior musical reading knowledge. It’s recommended to bring your own recording equipment.

Find out more on:


For people of all ages who enjoy singing, beginners and advanced, having a good ear and a habit of memorizing. Drone instruments are welcome.


Audio extracts

La jeune Sylvie

Les galants transis quoique indiscrets


« Chanter, c’est sûrement  mieux que de ne pas le faire … » (« Singing is probably better than not doing it…»)

Évelyne « Beline » Girardon, singer, arranger, carries on her beautiful shoulders the songs of the oral tradition in French language, from the folk rock chords of the 80s (La Bamboche) through vocal improvisation (Special Instrumental La Voix – chant du Monde), the capella polyphony (Roulez Fillettes, Trad Arrgt), and the monody on the simplest of drones. Her mother, of Ukrainian origin, bequeathed to her the love of singing without restraint.

Her career is marked by multiple creations and the recording of numerous CDs, two of which have been distinguished by the Charles Cros Academy. The double CD « Répertoire » (Choc / Monde de la musique) sees one of its titles chosen for the music Baccalaureate exams in 2009 and 2010.

A pioneer of the folk movement in France, over the years she has become the reference for the transmission of the sung repertoire of the popular French-speaking tradition.

Vocal polyphony is Évelyne Girardon’s specialty, her arrangements, transmitted orally, are acclaimed by a number of vocal enthusiasts, whether they come from traditional music or not, professional or amateur.


  • Diplôme d’état de professeur de musique en chant traditionnel.
  • Deux brevets de maîtrise de vielle à roue (Saint-Chartier)
  • Grand prix du disque de l’Académie Charles Cros, catégorie Patrimoine, pour le CD  “Amour de fusain Évelyne Girardon ”
  • Grand prix du disque de l’Académie Charles Cros, catégorie “Pierre Brive“ pour le CD “Amours que j’ai” (Roulez fillettes)
  • Co-fondatrice de la Compagnie du Beau Temps (Beau Temps sur la Province, Roulez  Fillettes, Voice Union, etc)
  • Fondatrice de la Compagnie Beline (Laissez-Faire et Laissez Dire, Trad-Arrgt, Laissez chanter qui voudra, Beline en solo)
  • Chargée de développement des pratiques vocales auprès de l’Agence Musiques et Danses Rhône-Alpes pendant 4 années.
  • En 2009, un des titres du Double CD “Répertoire” est sélectionné pour les épreuves du BAC musique 2009 et 2010.

Complete and detailed CV: http://www.ciebeline.com/qui-est-qui/evelyne-girardon
