Our goals

Through educational and cultural activities, the goal of our International Institute of World Music (IIWM) is to contribute to the development, the transmission and the promotion of all kind of world music by creating living spaces for meetings and international-level exchanges.


  • Participating to the emerging global culture by offering a place dedicated to education and valorisation of world music.
  • Opening an Institute for professionals and amateurs of music.
  • Providing a professional, multidisciplinary and multicultural education,
  • Welcome permanent and host teachers (from France and abroad),
  • Setting up a co-accreditation of graduates at an international level with Higher Educational Institutions and Universities,
  • Prioritizing an education within a professional Institute, in order to enhance a better understanding among different communities and to contribute to their success.


– Courses (theory and practice)
– Certificate-awarding master classes and workshops
– Concerts
– Training of trainers / Specific trainings
– Conferences / Seminars
– Customized services

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